American Horror Story and Drag Queens
We took a look into the next season’s American Horror Story Freak Show. We couldn’t help but think there may be a couple of really good guest stars from the drag world that might fit well with this theme.
The obvious two famous drag queens would be Sharon Needles and Bianca Del Rio. Sharon was definitely a “Fearce” queen with her goth look and sometimes deeply scary costumes. And Bianca, well, c’mon, we crowned the clown. No two queens have been more fit for such a series. But we thought of a few others who might fit into the Freak Show theme.
First, we thought of Raja, who portrayed Carrie as one of her runway looks, definitely into the Horror Story factor, she’d add a little “Freak” to the Show we’re sure.
Our next vote is Milk, who’s unique style and creative costumes would probably fit anything as original as American Horror Story and especially something labeled “Freak Show” since she definitely brought a side of drag most watchers were not used to. She let her freak flag fly and we’re so happy she did.
Of course, Shangela gets our vote because .. well, she could come out of a box and just be done with it. Halleloo
Finally, we thought it would be a grand idea to have someone already hosting a freak show, Edie the Entertainer. She’s currently hosting Zumanity by Cirque de Solei in Las Vegas. She’s clearly seen her share of “Freak Show” and doesn’t scare easily.
Well who doesn’t want to get nailed?
They’re our votes, let us know if you have some queens you think would fit the upcoming season of American Horror Story Freak Show? New episodes start October 15 at 10PM on FX.