Haus Of Edwards Celebrates Christmas Together
Miss Vivienne made an appearance with Laganja Estranja and Alyssa Edwards for the the World of Wonder Drag Ball.
Haus of Edwards YES GAWD! @AlyssaEdwards_1, @LaganjaEstranja, @itsShangela & Birthday Girl @ViviennePinay
We stumbled upon this video by Culigula Durrendon and thought you should see the family resemblance. It’s a Full House of talent and beauty. [youtube]
Happy Birthday @ViviennePinay!
May you day be filled with love, laughter and fun! We wish you a very very happy birthday and many more to come!
It’s A Family Affair…House Of Edwards
Vivienne Pinay, Alyssa Edwards, Shangela and Laganja Estranja had a family dinner last night. So glad the busy family had the time to catch up with each other.
Flashback To The Only Double Elimination In RuPaul’s Drag Race Herstory!
Both contestants express how surprised they were about being eliminated together. Honey has gone on to be a superstar and singer and Vivienne has joined the House of Edwards. [youtube
House of Edwards @AlyssaEdwards_1
Vivienne and Alyssa… House of Edwards and House of Hats
@ViviennePinay Giving Goddess Realness
Vivienne Pinay looking lovely in all that gold!
Honey Mahogany’s Transformation Since Drag Race
Honey is one of our favorite queens, although we may be biased since she’s close to us and we’ve partied with her. She’s had quite the wild ride since leaving
House of Edwards Family Secrets
Alyssa Edwards’ family qualifications, broken down. Enjoy! [youtube]
Alyssa’s Secret – Bloopers
[youtube] @AlyssaEdwards_1 and @itsShangela, these girls have too much fun! And the cameo by RuPaul is everything!