If you are around the San Francisco drag scene you can’t throw a rock without hitting a member of the Munro drag family. Our latest Hometown Hunty, Maya Galactic is yet another member of the fabulous house and is quickly gaining popularity. We asked her to participate in our Hometown Hunties feature and he took some time out of her busy makeup schedule to do so.

10405576_288986044614452_4770033884201213721_nDQG: What brought you to drag? 
MG: I first noticed, like many Queens my age, how inspiring drag was watching RPDR. Instantly I realized how much creativity, passion and talent it took to become a great Queen. I knew right away that drag was something I had actually been training my entire life to do. It was a way for me to put to use, everything I had learned about Makeup, Hair, Fashion, and Performance.

DQG: How did you get into the Munro house?
MG: When I first moved to SF my good Judy, Pearl Teese would take me with her to drag shows and to kiki with all the girls back stage. Pearl was performing at the Lookout for Mary Go Round, which Mercedez Munro hosts. I decided that would be the night I finally go out in full drag for the first time. I met Mercedez, she asked me to perform for her the following show. I did, and that night she extended an invitation to join the house.

DQG: Everyone wants you to beat their face, are you looking toward doing that as a full-time gig? 20790_149376208575437_941734011_n
MG: Lol, I don’t know about everyone, but yes, I am. Currently I work freelance as a makeup artist. Id love to start painting other queens faces more often. I am looking forward to marketing my services as a makeup artist, very soon to aspiring, new, seasoned, and well-seasoned queens alike. Keep your eyes peeled for a Drag Makeup Tutorial in January 2015

DQG: How does your family feel about you doing drag?
MG: I actually communicate very little with very few members of my family, and not at all with the vast majority. It’s been that way for the past 5 years. The ones I do have contact with are pretty supportive. They’re happy to see that I’m doing something that makes me happy. My sisters think I’m a bad bitch.

10173772_10152939949031019_4233509818854325021_nDQG: How did you come up with your drag name? 
MG: I always knew I wanted my first name to be Maya because it’s the given name of the artist I find most powerful and inspiring, M.I.A. Its also a Sanskrit name, meaning: Illusion. My last name Galactic, came from my love of Sci-fi/Horror space travel films.

DQG: What is your dating status?
MG: Devastatingly single. (Downs vodka martini. Grabs pocket book. Leaves interview)

DQG: What’s your favorite thing about drag and your least favorite thing about drag?
MG: My favorite thing about drag is that it allows you to create whatever you think is most fantastic while using your body as the canvas. The possibilities are infinite. My least favorite thing about drag is trying to find a balance between pleasing yourself as an artist, and pleasing an audience. I find it quite difficult.

DQG: What are your drag goals? 
MG: I just want to continue growing and pushing myself to create more spectacular things. I want to always be inspired and inspiring to others. Rupaul’s Drag Race would be nice, but I’ve not yet worked up the ego to audition. Maybe next year.

DQG: What’s something about you that no one knows? 
MG: Contrary to popular belief… I was born male.

DQG: Where can people see you perform? 
MG: You can usually catch me performing at various bars in the Castro. Im also going to be in Kylie Minono’s Hello Kitty Christmas Show. December 20, 2014 at The End Up. Show starts at midnight!!!


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