We’re looking for some local talent. While we definitely appreciate the already famous drag queens on TV, in news and the movies, we’d love to hear about those who haven’t been recognized outside of their hometown.
This is similar to Maxim’s “Hometown Hotties” but since that name was already taken (because we know there are some hotties out there) we went with hunties. Because let’s face it, we want to gag on your eleganza, but if we don’t see it, how can we?
Nominate your favorite local drag queen and we’ll be sure to feature her. We believe in the undiscovered drag queen getting the chance to show the world her skills, so brag on about why she’s the best.
Be sure to send pictures, because you know we definitely judge books by their covers. But mostly, we want to see the beauty and spread the word. If you don’t know, now you know!
Email us at hello@dragqueensgalore.com or you can submit a contact request on our site DragQueensGalore.com. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for all your support!
We’ll feature you on our blog and here on our site!
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