Miss Jaymelah caught our attention when we were visiting a club where Season 4 Drag Race contestant Phi Phi O’Hara was performing. Later that weekend we saw her perform with our friend Pollo Del Mar in San Francisco. She’s a Bay Area favorite and there are so many reasons why we wanted to introduce you to her.
JVM: i started doing drag at maybe 16 years of age and I was living in stockton at the time. Rupaul’s Drag Race Season 1 was just getting ready to air and I remember being so excited about it. I was also dating a drag queen at the time who rarely does it now, named Star Omega Moore but now goes by Estrella Moore. In coming years she becomes my drag sister in the Moore Mafia, lol. She actually did my makeup for the first time ever and I was so in love with the results, as any other queen would be their first time lol, and ever since then I’ve just been playing with eye shadow and makeup. Seven years later still at it and fiercer than ever, so I guess to fully answer the question….I started at 16 and I started because I was influenced by Rupaul’s Drag Race 🙂
DQG: How did you get your name?
JVM: Oh Lord! I’ve gone through so many name changes! The first name I ever had was “Candy” haha lawd so rachet lol. Then from Candy I went to Nevaeh lol yes (heaven backwards lmao) and then I went to San Franciscco Pride my first time ever I want to say maybe in 2009 with my mom and my best friend Bella. In the crowd I remember hearing a loud cheer and as the crowd moves I saw Miss Mahlae Balenciaga and I was just soooo intrigued by her. I remember taking a photo with her and finding her on Myspace and we got connected and she named me Jaymelah. The Vanity part of my name as I finished high school I had 4 best friends and we were the 5 gays of the town I was living in Manteca, CA. Well , anyways, we would go out to the Crib in San Francisco and Club Dirty In Sacramento and our crew name was Omega Vanity. Omega came from myself and two of my friends were in the house of Omega whose father is Eddie Omega. Our other friend came up with Vanity, so we put our friendship together and came up with “Omega Vanity.” Well as a few years went by and we got a bit older, we left the Omega house and I added Vanity and I was “Miss Jaymelah Vanity”. Then that’s when I meet my Drag Mother and she graced all fierceness into my life and I became a Moore…thus now being “Jaymelah Vanity Moore…which Morgan McMichaels would say #TheNameOfLife lol.
DQG: When did you start dance training?
JVM: I’ve only taken a few dance classes; I’ve taken jazz and hip hop when i was maybe 11 or 12 years old. Then got back into it and trained for 2 semesters at MJC (Modesto Junior College). I’ve taken jazz, hip hop, contemporary, and modern. Teaching our class was Miss Kim T. Davis, she was my favorite dance instructor and I’ve learned so much from her! Also I’ve meet my drag sister Deja Vanity Moore in those dance classes lol. A little off topic but had to throw that in there lol but it wasn’t the dance classes how I got all my dancing from. Yes, they helped improve my moves and stamina and such. But I’ve always been a dancer at heart always dancing to music videos….a natural born dancer <3.
DQG: Who would you say is your biggest influence on your drag?
JVM: Hmmm…where to start lol, I have a lot of influences. First, would have to be of course BOTH of my mothers…my drag mother and my biological mother, with their influences. I wouldn’t have the confidence and love and support to do what I love to do! Also Mutha Ru she’s like GOD of the queens lol. Then there are the basic celebs….Beyonce, Ciara, Aaliyah, ect. ect. lol. Also a lot of RuGirls are influences as well, they bring so much to the table and they encourage me just as much to step out the box, try something new and such, and not too give up. But that is always something I’ve known, but they are constant reminders. They’ve made it that far..I cant stop, I love what I do, I will push harder to be there some day <3
DQG: How does your family feel about you doing drag?
JVM: My Family is fully supportive! My mother, Mama Della, is the most supportive. She will surprise me with dresses and necklaces to add to my wardrobe lol. she would also help me with wigs and makeup when i need it the most! Of course mother’s always gonna be there! My blood family is also supportive, my mom shows everyone my photos and performances and they want to come support a show and see one, lol but the family is family. I have so many friends that I call family that I’ve had friendships with for years and they are all supportive and love what i do. I get so overwhelmed when i think of about it cause to think that you are loved and supported is all that matters. I love and appreciate every one that loves and supports me<3
DQG: Do you intend on trying out for RuPaul’s Drag Race and if so, when? If not, why?
JVM: I do! I’ve always had that as a goal in my drag career! I actually want to try out for Season 8 so I’m going to need to bust my ass off too get my audition tape and many many looks together hunny lol! But sometimes I get scared cause there are so many sickening bitches out there, lol! But with the right encouragement I know I can do it <3
DQG: Which challenge would you think you would excel in of you got on the show?
JVM: I think my best challenges would be an acting challenge, maybe a singing challenge, I’m a horrible singer, BUT I have my moments. But an acting challenge I can most DEFINITELY nail it, lol! I nail attitudes and facial expression and sometimes accents lol. I believe I can give many characters lol.
DQG: How’s your dating life? If you’re single, what are you looking for?
JVM: I have no dating life. I’m forever single…..NEXT QUESTION!!!! lol jk jk! I mean I’ve dated and I’ve been with a few, my partying gets in the way but hey, you cant blame me lol. I’m 22 turning 23! I want to go out and have a good time and no one’s gonna stop me from doing so! I also have a night life with my drag career so if someone’s gonna be with me they HAVE to accept that. Yes, I am single, not really looking for too much. I mean if someone great come along the road I will definitely take that chance!
DQG: What are your goals with Jaymelah, where do you want her to go?
JVM: I have a lot of goals with that bitch lol. Drag Race is one, I would love for the world too see what I’m about. Another goal would to be based in shows in LA and maybe some day host my own show like my amazing drag mother Mizz Monique Moore! Another would to be a Beyonce impersonator in Las Vegas, that would be a fun goal too reach and achieve lol.
DQG: What’s something no one knows about you?
JVM: I’m straight…..yes I am a straight man lol jk no idk to be honest, I got caught stealing shavers from Walmart once lol. Ever since then I’ve never stolen a thing lol. But that was years ago, till that day I still haven’t walked into that Walmart haha I’ll wait in the car lol.
DQG: Where can people see you perform?
JVM: People can see me perform all over Northern California; Sacramento Badlands with promoter Ronnie and host of “Fridays Are A Drag” Taryn-Thru-u, or at Faces Nightclub in different shows they have, San Jose Splash Video bar for Downtown Divas with Mona Lot Moore. Stockton for the Eves of Paradise show, also the Brave Bull every other Sunday night or unless I post otherwise. Last but not least my favorite place to be The Glamazone with my fairy drag mother Pollo Del Mar!
Also to keep up with shows I’ll be in and or attending you can follow my instagram at @Jaymiggz_ and or on Facebook “Jaymelah V. Moore”
Check out Jaymelah and her fierce performances here on her YouTube channel.
Hello Doing a Great Job! Carrying on Mario H Ruiz. To others, Mizz Monique Moore. I know He is Smiling. This is Dario Mendoza. Mario only Husband. Dario/ Mario. Have some pictures and stories that might make you understand what it was Really about. Out in the Country Cowboy Farm and all. But you can never Forget the Asshole that made Me Love M. Mario or Monique, He will. Always!!! Got Go Can’t Cry. I wish you All The Best. Jaymelah. Vanity Moore. Note I was the one that came up with Moore. I tell you the story. WELL BLESSED NIGHT..