
Hi friends, we’re proud to announce our updated website… yes, again.  We’re still working on a lot of the feedback we’ve heard from our audience. We truly appreciate all the input and help. If we don’t strive to be better we don’t deserve to be better. Also, stay tuned, we’ve got some really fun stuff coming up.
Congratulations again to @PimpDaddySatan the winner of our 500 followers giveaway. The next giveaway is at 1,000, we hit 600 really fast, let’s get us up to 1K, we’d like to get you something special, but it’s entirely dependent on how fast we get there.
Keep the comments coming and don’t forget to send in all your Hometown Hunties, we love discovering new queens and showcasing the art of drag. Please take some time to get to know us on our About Page and get in touch with us on our Contact Us page. Don’t forget to review the interviews we’ve done so far. We’ve got more setup as well but if you’ve got someone in mind, let us know!