Sister Roma has been the face of the fight for this “real name” witch hunt by Facebook. She’s made it abundantly clear this is not just about “a bunch of drag queens bitching” but it’s also about the safety of some people who chose to use a different name on Facebook. To that point, Sister Roma has asked people to email with real life stories leading to the change of their Facebook profile from their “real name” to an alias. She’s been floored by the outpouring of responses she’s received.

She stated the following this afternoon:

“I am overwhelmed and moved to tears by the literally hundreds of emails I have received from people who are sharing their compelling stories explaining why they don’t use their “real” name on Facebook. I want you all to know that you are not alone, there are many people who were abused, shunned, discriminated against, fought custody battles, survived addiction, and maintain profiles that are very real and very separate from your legal identity. You are REAL, you are important, and your voice will be heard. I am trying my best to reply to everyone. I appreciate you all. Stay strong and safe and be proud of who you are!”

Sister Roma & Honey Mahogany - Both affected by the new "real name" policy.

Sister Roma & Honey Mahogany – Both affected by the new “real name” policy.